I Joined Alex Costa’s Inner Circle Program. Here’s my Honest Review…

Alex Costa is a popular YouTuber and social media influencer who creates content related to men’s fashion, grooming, and lifestyle. He has a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers where he shares tips and advice on a variety of topics, including fashion, style, skincare, and personal development. Costa has a large following on social media… Continue reading I Joined Alex Costa’s Inner Circle Program. Here’s my Honest Review…

What are the Five Love Languages? How People Express & Receive Love.

One mental model that has improved my ability to communicate well and understand people is love languages. If you’re looking to increase your social intelligence and skills, read on. The five love languages are different ways that people show and receive love according to the book The Five Love Languages. They are: Words of Affirmation:… Continue reading What are the Five Love Languages? How People Express & Receive Love.

“Knowledge is Power” Is Terrible Advice

“The more you learn, the more you earn.” That’s a quote from Warren Buffett I still believe in. However, lately, I’m starting to notice a lot more experts on the internet talk about how knowledge isn’t power; it’s execution and action that matters. They say that so many spend too much time absorbing content online.… Continue reading “Knowledge is Power” Is Terrible Advice

How to Raise Your Self Esteem (and Why It Matters)

A few years ago, I did the “Less Things, More Happiness” 7 Day Challenge, so now, I want to continue with a new challenge. Nowadays, it feels like there’s so many things one can improve upon and spend their time on: fitness, health, focus, willpower, meditation, productivity … it’s overwhelming. For at least the next… Continue reading How to Raise Your Self Esteem (and Why It Matters)

6 Scientific Studies Reveal Why We Buy Needless Luxury Items

Here’s a compilation of fascinating studies on why people spend on expensive things. While I belief in the benefits of some minimalism, I don’t subscribe to the minimalist idea that all conspicuous or excessive spending is bad. Clearly, there’s a strong evolutionary reason for why we do it. However, as Dr. Geoffrey Miller says, there’s… Continue reading 6 Scientific Studies Reveal Why We Buy Needless Luxury Items

Categorized as Dating

Difference Between Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence

When you think of someone “smart,” your mind may go to IQ and school exam scores. However, evolutionary biology tells us the type of intelligence that really mattered for survival for millions of years was your social and emotional intelligence. Watch a few seasons of Game of Thrones to see how the characters stay alive,… Continue reading Difference Between Social Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence

This One Method Gets People To Like You

Social skills, and more importantly, getting people to like you, is important to many aspects of life: dating making friends getting professors to like you career inspiring coworkers and employees business networking getting people to believe in your ideas That’s part of the reason why I invested in hiring a communications coach. And I learned… Continue reading This One Method Gets People To Like You

Always Getting “No Chemistry” After the First Date? Read This

The worst dating advice that I keep hearing from women is “just be yourself.” And I have the best evidence for this. In my personal experience, I’ve often had trouble getting a second date after the first date. Usually, I’m being myself. I’m not trying to be someone I’m not. I’m honest, vulnerable, kind, and… Continue reading Always Getting “No Chemistry” After the First Date? Read This

Categorized as Dating